I decided today to post two pictures, one is of a decanter that I craved from Crate and Barrel that Bruce surprised me with for Christmas, the other is self-explanatory.
I bought all those jalapeƱos at the market on Sunday to pickle for Bruce. He is crazy about them and puts them on everything from peanut butter sandwiches to hot dogs. I thought I'd give it a try and found a recipe online from a vegetarian woman. They are doing their thing in the fridge as I type. For years every recipe using jalapeƱos suggested you wear rubber gloves to cut them. As that is not a staple in my kitchen I avoided them for quite some time. Come to find out that is totally unnecessary. You totally must not touch your face without washing your hands but that is sufficient. I cut up 20 of them with no ill effects.
I manned the desk at the museum today with only three visitors during my stint, however, my adviser visited the curator after I left to make sure I was behaving myself. I did read the whole volunteer manual which I'd not been shown. It turns out I should have. Lots of the silly questions were answered in that manual. I found it myself while looking for the cash register list. I punch in some numbers for each visitor to the gallery or the gardens. It was AWOL today.
Well, if you follow my flickr you know that today would have been my mom's 82nd birthday. It is hard to believe it has been almost four years since she died. Baxter was just a puppy then. I had a birthday party for her even though we knew the end was in sight. I can tell you this much, it is super hard to find a card in that situation. We obviously did not want to go without cards, but seriously, what can you say? I remember we got her to drink some pink champagne. She just loved little Baxie. On my old computer I had a picture of that day with her holding him. I may just have to hunt it down.
I stopped by campus to fill out my Honor's certificate papers. I did not get in the program until it was too late to get an Honor's diploma. Like a fool, I took two honor's science classes which has hurt my GPA, science not being my strong point you know. I did run into my favorite Humanities professor--she is the bomb.
The virtual terminal has been approved!!!!!
1 comment:
Good for you for taking the tough classes, GPA be damned!
I for one would love to see the picture of your mom w/ little Baxie. Please post it if you find it.
Scary knife.
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