That is a comment I hear over, and over, from people my age about going to school. There's one tiny thing they forget however and that is that a student must perform. Writing papers, doing presentations along with homework can all be daunting tasks for an older person out of practice. That said, I'm glad I've made it this far. Last night in film class we had our first quiz. We were shown a silent film by Sergei Eisenstein called Potemkin. Actually we only saw parts of it as the professor scanned through it showing parts that demonstrate his points. Here was the quiz prompt: What reaction is implied by the three shots of lions? What kind of cutting is used? We had to write a full page in about 15 minutes on this topic. He showed the clip over and over and I was slow to get it. I made a few notes and started on one piece of paper. The next thing I know he is saying you have about three minutes. Yikes! I wrote what I could but later realized that I used the name of the film as the name of the director. DUH!
My original intention was to major in English, however, when confronted with the idea of analyzing literature endlessly I decided it was not for me. The trouble is that I feel like lots of it is just plain good storytelling with no particular motive. That does not fly with English majors. They see something in every detail.
I found out last night that there is no graduation ceremony in December. I was so hoping Matt could be cheering me on. As it stands now I guess I'll just have them mail my diploma.
This photo is a concept I've been working on to no avail at the moment. I can't seem to get the light just right without reflections on the glass. I have enjoyed the wine that these corks came from though.
Jonathan called last night, things are going swimmingly. Just a mom here writing, but he is a master at all things computer; what he doesn't know, he can pick up like lightening. As I told you before, he is a native user. I believe we had a computer from the time he was like 8 or something. Alissa's position is going well also; there is an opening coming up there that she plans to apply for. As Jonathan mentioned, if he had applied for this job he never would have been considered, but given the chance he can perform brilliantly.
Feeling good this morning I'm happy to report.
You know, you might get the light just the way you want it if you don't drink the wine first... ;0) Me, I like it.
As for being an older student: nonsense. You may not be as fast, but you've got the big picture, which makes up for being fast in spades. Don't buy into the story that older students aren't used to it anymore blah blah blah.
Funny since I was going to compliment you on the trees reflecting off the glass.
I agree about being an English Major. It's similar to my one time desire to study film (ironic, eh?) - I just want to enjoy it, not pick it apart.
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