Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Present

Pictured here is the man of the house (alongside the dog of the house) with his new Christmas present. He is so totally thrilled with it--probably the most excited he's been since he bought me my camera. He did receive some awesome gifts from his sons--tickets to see Spamalot from Matt, ticket to see Wrestlemania with Bill, Dave, and Michelle, and a new Brain Age game for his DS Light from Jonathan. Needless to say he's a happy man.

We distracted ourselves yesterday afternoon with a trip to a local museum to see paintings and drawings by George Bellows--fantastic work. I was hoping to inspire Bruce to use his new drawing set I gave him for Christmas. You didn't know that the real artist in the family is Bruce did you?

After the museum trip we stopped by the library to turn in some unwatched DVDs. We got three new ones for a movie fest, watching all in a row! Three different genres, three good movies. Children of Men, Two Weeks Notice, and an all time favorite of my mom's Best in Show. If you've not seen it you must--it never fails to make us laugh. As well, we are big Hugh Grant fans. Bruce likes Sandra Bullock, I can take her or leave her, but any movie with Hugh Grant is a must see for us. Although he plays similar parts he's just so darn charming you don't care.

I've spent today making some web albums for various people and catching up a bit with Flickr friends as I have largely ignored them during the holidays.

Matthew made it home and dry (a reference to a Pet Shop Boys song)

My birthday is coming up pretty quick. I am one of those odd folks who is the same age during the entire calendar year. This year I was the same age as the year I was born--1953, however, that is almost a thing of the past. When your birthday is six days after Christmas it can be an afterthought (mostly for me). I always feel sorry for those who want to remember it after the Christmas spending spree. I'll be changing my flickr profile to reflect the changes--no longer a student, and 54 years old. It is really hard for me to imagine, but I'll just stick with the cliche you are as young as you feel which at the moment is pretty darn good.

Now playing: Sugababes - Push the Button
via FoxyTunes!


Amaya said...

I am so glad to hear you're feeling well. I hope that continues throughout the new year.
Will you be doing anything for your birthday?

jpeckmeister said...

Hey, hey, hey....I'm older than you and I feel damn good! Sorry I didn't get to see Matt and the twins. BTW, I need addresses so I can send my gift cards to them. I think of you and Lisa often when I visit Marlene, which is nearly four times a week (she's on my way home). Jessica and I drooled over that desk set when she took me to Ikea last week. Of all the desk sets, that's the one I want, when we get the money. I'm hoping to be by before Sunday. But, what the heck, I'll probably call you.

Love and kisses to all,

Kernel Panic Loop