Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Admittedly this is not a very good picture--I was using the baby camera, and I can't seem to take good pictures at night with it--that's it Gail--blame it on the camera! I posted this to show the fireplace with the four stockings hung. I must tell you I got teary-eyed Saturday night reminiscing about how the house used to be filled with four boys anxiously awaiting Christmas morning. Years ago I heard this great idea which became a tradition in our home. The last person up got to open their gift first.As well, we watched each gift being opened--no free for all in this house! The stockings could be raided when they got up but the presents under the tree were off limits until everyone was up. This was an attempt to get them to sleep in and most years it worked! When I was a child we woke our parents up at a ridiculous hour. In later years Bruce and I would be up before the kids.

Thanks to my mother in law!!! Last night UPS delivered a fresh Christmas wreath with my name on it--my first graduation gift. I've given lots of graduation gifts through the years--this is new for me. Fortunately a hanger was included as Bruce was just pulling out of the driveway to go to the airport.

I got my music final done last night, I'm heading to the museum for my last stint this morning. and taking my film final after that. My professor agreed to let me take it early so I could go to Key West with Jane. I've never had the pleasure of going to Key West--the furthest I've been is Key Largo. Hmmm....I'm wondering how I'll feel about all those bridges. I guess I'll just close my eyes if I get nervous. This is probably a crazy idea right now,I think I'll call it a present to myself.

Before I go to the museum I'll be stopping at the post office. A project that complicated matters last week is a LONG SHOT. Maureen told me how she saw in the paper that Ruby Tuesday was remodeling all their restaurants with contemporary art and photography. She suggested I contact them which I did through their website. It was naturally the wrong place to do so(they asked if I'd had lunch or dinner) but surprisingly enough I heard back from them the very next day with a personal note and address to send stuff to. I asked several people I trust for advice on what to send. I'm not holding my breath but Bruce told me I can't win if I don't play the game (oh, those sports metaphors!) which is entirely true....so off they go!

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Oh my God Gail! I think you are so wrong about this picture- my jaw dropped when I saw it. (Goes to show you were right and you never can guess what people are going to like.) I love the texture and the "nostalgia" that it evokes. It makes me want to curl up with an eggnog (which I don't even care for) and a good book and just hang out in my pajamas. This would make a wonderful holiday card.
Also, congrats on finishing school! I think a trip to the Keys is definitely in order as a reward. :D

Kernel Panic Loop