Saturday, December 22, 2007

My Firstborn

Matthew was kind enough to let me practice my portrait skills--here is one of the best however he is a great model and I could post lots more!

We're off to lunch downtown with Bill, Dave, and Michele. Bruce got a new desk set up for Christmas from Ikea which he's been assembling since last evening--he's nearly done and you'll see it for yourself soon.

Jonathan and Alissa are on a Greyhound bus headed to Iowa to spend Christmas with her family there. I believe this is a new experience for our Jon boy. Last night he turned the yellow MINI back in--the lease was done. I asked him if he kissed it goodbye which naturally he didn't. I would have had it been me.


sarah said...

that's great!!!!

tell matt it should be his first album cover. :)

happy holidays to all

e said...

Your son in a hotty!

Kernel Panic Loop