Monday, December 17, 2007

Life Stories

These guys were playing in front of the grocery store on Saturday morning hoping to entice folks to put some money in the Salvation Army bucket. It's the thing to do.

Fast forward to this afternoon--same location, different characters.

I ran up to the store to get a few things for Matt's arrival and saw a woman outside I knew I recognized. Couldn't really place her, but said hi--I'm glad I did.
She said: "Don't you have twin sons?"
Me: "Why yes I do, as well as two other sons."
How I wished I'd left it at the twins, not because Matthew and Jonathan are not precious to me, but it may have been like rubbing salt into a wound. As it turns out, her son was Bill and Dave's age (I called Dave later, apparently he played baseball with them for some years),anyway, he collapsed and died last November 28th at his job. Well, he didn't really die immediately, they brought him back only to find he had irreparable brain damage. They removed him from life support four days later. He was her only child. We've gone over this territory in the past--losing a child has to be the most devastating experience. I feel for our soldiers parents deeply.

I was shopping a good part of the day; I'm glad that I went there late because obviously she needs to tell her story. She found a rapt audience in me.

Matt's flight has been delayed two hours--I'll leave for the airport a little after 9.

BTW, it is official, my grades were posted today.

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