Monday, December 3, 2007

It's a Small World After All

I'm trying very hard to focus on the worsening economy when I don't sell much--it's working. Actually I feel very grateful that we are not caught in the middle of this real estate mess. As most of you know Bruce and I have had a motto--"never be house poor." We've stuck by it all these years and it's been a blessing not to have to worry about money and a huge house to take care of. Bruce has been fortunate to move up in his profession and make a very good salary but we've lived pretty much the same all these years. Our home is modest by some standards but very hip if I do say so myself.

So, at the market there were several coincidences, both involving Maureen. As it turns out a vendor that used to be across from us knows our family from way back. I think he is my brother Pat's age. It turns out he knew Pat quite well and even came swimming in our pool. When I finally got a hold of Maureen on the phone she said his wife went to the same elementary school as she when we lived in Akron, Ohio where I was born!!! Crazy stuff.

As well, those of you who look at flickr know this face. Well, it turns out her name is not Lucy, but Goldie. She returned to the market with another family member and I asked to take her photo again. Turns out she is 94!!! When I asked her name I thought the last name sounded familiar and for good reason. Goldie's son was a musician that was a great friend of Maureen. He died twenty years ago and the woman pushing Goldie in her wheelchair is his widow. Did I make that too complicated? It most definitely is a small world.

Our niece Laura and her sweet husband Todd visited the market yesterday as did my mother in law. Laura, we knew was coming, my mother in law surprised us. Laura has gotten more interested in picture taking of late and bought the same camera as I have. I showed her how to adjust a few of the settings to improve her pictures. It was good to see them as it had been far too long.

Did I tell you Matt was on a business trip to LA? That's a very long flight from London for most of us. He made an overnight stop in Chicago and saw his little brother--yeah! Apparently there was a big snow storm. It's only a few weeks and he'll be here for a week to rest and reorganize my computer and every other technology thing I own!

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