Here's a photograph of Bruce at an architectural antique store we visited in Deland yesterday. He has taken a break from working and has been playing with me. Deland is about 35 miles north of Orlando, home of Stetson University. There is a cute downtown with many restaurants and galleries. Prior to getting there we stopped at Blue Springs State Park, winter home of manatees. When it gets cold they hang out in the constant 72 degree spring water. We saw a fair number of them in the water as well as an alligator sunning itself on a tree. The manatees are very challenging to photograph because they only surface for air occasionally. Nonetheless,even if my photos were not so great, the experience was great. We moseyed through galleries, antique stores, and a barber shop that has had only five owners in over 100 years. We found a pub for Bruce to have a Bass ale with his lunch.
On our drive home we came across a little known park called Gemini Springs. Mostly it encompasses marsh lands of the St. John's River which is one of the few rivers to flow north. The sun was dropping shedding a beautiful golden light. Did I mention that it is very warm again? The temp today was to be 86 degrees.
On Thursday evening we saw No Country for Old Men. Several years ago Bruce listened to the novel on cd while driving to some job. Arriving a few minutes late to a movie like this one is not a good idea. I sat down in my customary back row seat in time to watch Javier Bardem strangle a deputy to death with handcuffs, all the while looking bored with the whole process. I had no idea what was in store; I won't spoil it for anyone but suffice it to say that it was the most brutal movie I've seen in a while. Based very closely on Cormac McCarthy's novel, it was both unsettling and thought provoking.
Time to get ready to go to friends for dinner--I'm bringing an old favorite--Mexican chocolate cake. I'll fill you in on the recipe later.
Now playing: Bloc Party - Blue Light
via FoxyTunes
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