Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Surprise

It's astonishing where you find unexpected beauty. Arriving to pick up dry cleaning, I noticed the clouds looked really interesting. I got the baby camera out of my purse and shot a picture through the sunroof. When I got out of the car I pointed the camera upward and what should I discover but this rainbow at 9:00 in the morning with no rain in sight. It seems as if it was a sign of a good week. I want you to know that I am feeling remarkably better. This has happened before, but this time I'm thinking it will stick.

Matt acclimated quickly to the time change and we've been shopping like crazy. Bruce took today off, sleeping in till 8:30. That doesn't seem too late for lots of folks, but he often arises at 4:30AM to catch early flights, so it was a welcome respite.

When your children are grown and making lots of money it is always a challenge for parents at Christmas time. I had no idea what Matt wanted, or needed for that matter. The challenge in buying for Matt is both customs, and weight. One thing he really wanted was a new backpack. We searched extensively for just the right one; I am happy to report we found it.

Actually, the only son easy to buy for was Jonathan because he is still young with plenty of needs for his new environment. I did manage to find some things for David that I hope he will like. Bill makes an annual trip to LA for a music convention with a plane ticket from Bruce. It's going to be a weird Christmas, but I told Matt I want to adapt to changing times with this being a prime example.

A pleasant surprise today via the mailbox was a sweet card from Emily for my graduation. She is one of Matt's friends through Liza and lives in Massachusetts with her dear husband and darling little boy. How thoughtful of her to remember me. I must say I am pretty jazzed that it's over for now. We'll see what I think in a few months.

As you know Bruce works for Darden Restaurants. The stock got clobbered yesterday, and I do mean clobbered. Put it this way--on paper we lost enough to pay off our home. We are thinking positive though because really--what else can you do?

Cards still not done, cookies still not baked, but gosh, we're enjoying each other's company. Did I mention the weather is spectacular?

1 comment:

Amaya said...

I'm so glad you're having some quality time with your boys (Bruce included)

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