Monday, December 17, 2007

A Windy Day

Yesterday was one of those days. We awoke to a wild storm wondering if the market would proceed as usual. I checked my inbox for an e-mail from the manager only to find the internet down. Bruce made some adjustments to the modem and we were back in business with no cancellation in sight. Fortunately, it calmed down and the forecast was sunny skies with windy conditions at times. Indeed, those winds blew our tent over!!! As you see Bruce is repairing the part that broke alongside one that is bent. Other vendors rushed to the rescue. I was returning from a bathroom break and watched it happen in slow motion. Calmly working on his laptop, the tent fortunately went over away from Bruce. Surreal.

As we were driving we realized the front door did not get locked before we left necessitating a return trip on my part while Bruce set up. The market was very slow, in part because of the weather, in part because people were at the malls? In any case, a young man bought five of my small prints. I thought about him this morning imagining that he might make a good husband. That sounds a little silly I know, however, I've a reason for that thinking. He thoughtfully looked through all three bins several times looking for just the right thing. In fact he left only to return and do it again. He settled on a watermelon, oranges, peppers, and a sunrise and sunset. He mentioned the food photos were for gifts; he might keep the sun shots for his new office. He's a recent electrical engineering graduate. Bruce is so like that and we all know what a great husband he is! I'm probably all wrong, but I hope he makes someone happy.

After unloading we found the digital phone not working. I assumed that Matt would be calling with the details of his trip TOMORROW, and I'm sure he probably tried. Next the internet went down again, so after nearly forty-five minutes on the phone with the cable company, all is right with our technological world. Nothing frustrates me more than when I can't understand the "helpers" on the phone. I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

I talked with our man in Chicago and baby it's cold outside. Wouldn't you know it--they moved there just in time for the worst winter in recent memory and it's only just started. Tough adjustment for Floridians, however, he wasn't complaining, just doing his best to describe a scene I can't imagine. This morning I shipped their boxes with gifts. We are so going to miss them on Christmas. They have bus tickets to Iowa to spend it with Alissa's aunt and uncle.

Did I mention the wind brought colder temperatures here? 84 degrees on Saturday and it's 47 degrees now.

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