Monday, November 12, 2007

Christmas Dogs

I suspect this photo will be appreciated by my blog readers. A new market vendor from yesterday, they set up this booth for people to have a Christmas photo, presumably for cards? My favorite parts are the man's butt crack in front and the crooked star on the tree. Try to look at it big and see how ridiculous those little dogs look in that setting. I mean really. They are a ways away from us but I suspect with the amount of dogs we see every week that they will do well. Speaking of dogs we took Baxter with us yesterday and he was eerily good. You may recall in the past he barked, and fussed at all the dogs that came by, not assuming the role of customer magnet we had hoped. He is adorable, but not so much when he is barking. Yesterday however he was almost quiet as a mouse and sat on Bruce's lap most of the time looking sweet. To date we have no plans to visit the Glamour Puss booth.

It has been days since I last wrote because I've just not been able to fit it in. I did the Darden craft fair on Thursday and Friday. I sold 21 prints--mostly small. I did meet some potential customers though which could turn out well for me. It is challenging to figure out what to print for events. I've been told when you think you have it figured out it changes. I'd had a print of a surfer coming out of the water with his board on his head for nearly a month. I sold it on Thursday to a girl who wanted it for her desk (framed and in place by Friday morning I heard). Friday morning someone came to the table and asked for the surfer--oh, you don't have two? Well, no I didn't!

Saturday I was at the museum, then trying to get some house work done, as well as home work! I'm caught up on my music for the moment with my concert review graded already. I've got two more quizzes in that class--I can't remember what else. I listen to the on-line lectures in my office ,the music in my car, and read the chapters when I'm sitting at the museum. It's been a good experience taking an online class but I do wonder what the professor looks like.

Which brings you up to date. The weather here has been spectacular; it is a crime to stay inside on days like these. The market was comfortable, and even enjoyable, for the first time in months. I sold more prints and made more contacts that might be beneficial. One of those contacts is a man Bruce talked to at a neighborhood restaurant while taking his mom to lunch yesterday. (he did bring me back a nice sandwich); he's a web designer who came over to the market to meet me after having his lunch. Let us hope something will come from this!

Off to my Monday market and then NO selling for some days. Oh yeah, Bruce picked up my prints from the gallery replacing them with two more for this months show. You would think this was a full-time business wouldn't you?


Amaya said...

I was thinking the same thing. I'm guessing you'll have a hard time getting back into school after the hiatus you want to take. You're going to be so busy! And loving every minute of it. :D

e said...

Awesome. Love the asscrack and the tiny dogs under the crooked tree.

Mrs Uyopong said...

*LoL* @ the man's butt's just so hilarious. So which one caught your attention first Gail?

Kernel Panic Loop