Thursday, November 22, 2007

We Made It!

Another Thanksgiving has passed and we've much to be thankful for. Good company with good food is a winning combination. I wish I could report that I have loads of good photos of the event but I would be lying. Here's the best of half of the food. I haven't checked my other camera but I suspect those will be no better. Putting my efforts into the food is primary on a day like today! Bruce did all the clean up bless his heart. We missed some of our family but their absence can't be helped.

Speaking of absence, Maureen received a call this morning when she was helping me get the turkey in the oven--the car has been recovered. We're still unsure of the condition--it is about 50 miles away. Hopefully tomorrow will clarify the situation.

Jonathan called early to say they were on their way to the Chicago Thanksgiving Day Parade and it was snowing! He will always remember his first snowfall.

Lastly, Maureen called to tell me that on the Ovation Network that they are celebrating Photography this week and all programming is related to those who take photographs and how they do it. I've watched a few of the shows and highly recommend it if you get that channel.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Is this your first Thanksgiving without Jonathan?
I hope your day wasn't too stressful and that the food was worth the effort.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Kernel Panic Loop