Monday, November 19, 2007


Matt's best friend Liza's family sells gourmet vanilla. Her dad came out to the market today with his beautiful bottles to sell to the tourists and they bought. These little beauties are not only cute, but the fragrance is so intense--wonderful. They have a website if anyone is interested let me know. They get their vanilla beans from Madagascar and them steep for a year in alcohol with no additives. Next time you buy vanilla extract make sure you check the ingredients--there is filler in them there bottles.

Remember how I mentioned that I don't realize the dates too well? Hmmm...I missed an assignment because of that. I was thinking that today was the 18th and I could do my listening assignment this morning when I got up around 6. I was beat last evening and in bed before 9. At any rate when I went to the website to do the work it was gone because yesterday was the 18th. Bummer as it cost me 30 points. So far I have an A in that class; I hope this does not propel me to a B. I've got 20th century music lecture left to listen to with a quiz for that. A third listening assignment is posted and then I believe I'll only have the final to do. Almost there good friends.

Bruce had to leave again super early this morning to be home for Thanksgiving. We'll be hosting the dinner as always so after the museum tomorrow I will do the shopping. This year may have to be a scaled down version but we'll see.


Mrs Uyopong said...

I am sure you'll get an A Gail...

Gail Peck said...

Thanks for your confidence Sue.

Kernel Panic Loop