Friday, November 16, 2007

She Won't Be Dressed Like This Today.....

Unless she is a college student; the high will only be 68 today which is cold to Floridians. During the winter I have seen girls come to school with bare midriffs, sandals, and tank tops. It boggles my mind how they do it. Have you ever wondered how it is that woman, who typically get the coldest, wear the least when going to fancy events? I mean really, men wear an undershirt, dress shirt, with a coat and tie--woman wear spaghetti straps--go figure.

Ohio has not been good to our dear Bruce. First, he got that speeding ticket there--bummer. Secondly, the job has been very difficult with the contractor not keeping up with the schedule, and now this. Fortunately he was driving a Volvo yesterday when a stretch van rear-ended him at a stop light. It is the first time in 15 years of traveling that he's had any problem, actually it is the first time in his life he's been in an accident. He was not hurt, thank God. I've heard from him this morning, and although he's a little sore, everything is working. This job is nearly complete, the inspection is Monday; he can't get out of Ohio fast enough. I wonder if that's how my parents felt? You may know that I was born there. We made a one year stop in Buffalo, New York, before moving to Orlando when I was four. My sister Nancy was born during the Buffalo stop. Lisa, my baby sister, is the only one of us to be born right here in Orlando.

Very few attendees at the gallery thing last night, but that's ok. Maureen and Lynn were kind enough to come and support me. I left early because I had homework to do. I listened to music lectures yesterday while ironing (I'd put it off for as long as I could), and wanted to take the quiz while the material was still fresh.

Did I mention that Jonathan was officially hired? Here's where he's working: He and Alissa are getting to know folks and have lots to keep them busy in Chicago. I'm still amazed at Jonathan's transformation!

I have yet to do my speech outline and it's due today at 1. What am I waiting for, divine inspiration?

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