Sunday, July 15, 2007

Bat Flower

For those of you who don't frequent my flickr page here's the incredible bloom I told you about. The tentacles (if you will) are really about a foot long--simply amazing!

Highlights of the market today:
  • Lisa and Amanda surprised us--it was so nice of them to brave the heat!
  • A jogger who stopped by in the morning came back later in the day and bought a photo.
  • One of my flickr "friends" brought his wife to show her my booth. She was lovely.
  • A photographer's wife bought one of my pieces.
  • That same photographer had lots of pertinent info to share with us. One of which is that he launched his business at the market. He thinks I have a shot at bigger, and better, venues.
  • We made it home in time to beat the rain.
Lowlights of the market today:

  • Slim crowds.
  • Heat. Sweat.
  • New vendor: They were plant vendors which normally I would love to have next to us, however he had a line for each customer. Here's what it was: "Welcome to my jungle! I sell global warming protection devices." This shtick was delivered while wearing overalls and a pith helmut. After I had heard it about ten times I wanted to kick him!

1 comment:

michaelejahn said...

I sold that pith helmet to that guy !

Kernel Panic Loop