Matt called last evening and he had a fab time in Wales. Apparently they hiked up the highest mountain in the British Isles. You can see his photos on flickr; they are lovely. He is in my contact list as 5500. A birthday, Wimbledon, and Wales all in one week! One wonders how he has time to work.
You must have been sending good vibes our way as we sold six pieces on Sunday with very thin crowds. As well, we have an order for a poster! I made a slight error and gave him too low a price. sIt seems as if we'll only make back our cost on that one, but we're still learning as we go. Nevertheless, if he has folks to his place, and they notice it, he may send them my way which would naturally be super great. It seems as if the market is good for networking even when we don't have sales. The heat was bearable, and fortunately no rain.
I've a new motto to go with my previous "fake it till you make it" motto. On Saturday we were at the mall and who should we see but the attending physician from my hospital stay. He says--"Hi Gail", I respond in kind. Next I tell him that I've not managed to get better and here's what he says--"At least you're alive!" He pats my arm, and off he goes! We were taken aback to say the least. He is actually the one who told us that I had metastatic pancreatic cancer, so I guess he was acknowledging it was a good deal he was mistaken. So we'll put the two together to describe my life today.
I've spent today ordering prints, buying frames, and mats. It is amazing how long all this stuff takes me. It's a good thing that I enjoy this because it sure doesn't pay very well! I picked up a little portfolio book today which I'm going to fill with 4 X 6 prints. I'll be able to take it to the Bistro I mentioned last week as well as have it at the market. This way if we don't have the enlargement on display there may be something else that appeals to lookers.
Van Morrison, Nick Drake, The Howling Bells, Stereophonics, Supergrass, and Bloc Party have kept me company while I've been sitting at the computer. It's been fun but now it's time to get the blood moving in my legs. Stay tuned.....
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