Monday, July 2, 2007

July 2

I don't know if you remember what you were doing on July 2, 2006, but I do. It was not nearly as much fun as today was. I was on my second day of a seven day hospital stay. MRIs, CTs, and blood work to be exact. Not to mention an infiltrating IV that left my arm swollen to about twice it's size. Enough of that; I'm just grateful to be here writing this blog.

Matt has helped me once again. He arrived safely back in London less than 24 hours after the Glasgow incident. You may remember that I was planning to send in four images to a calendar contest thus I made a web album for Matt to critique. He was kind enough to explain different settings on my camera I could tweak to improve the crispness, and exposures. I headed straight out to give it a whirl. The day started overcast which is kinda good as the sun is so bright these days, and in fact, it did show up. Fortunately I had taken some before it became too hard to work with.

I delivered the framed photos to the doctor's office. Mind you, these are not my images but maybe next time. I'd like to develop a relationship with the framer because they are about 1 mile away--perfect!

I spent some time cleaning up the yard, and pool, after yesterday's massive rainstorm--nothing like Kansas, but, pretty wild. The fact of the matter is that it is fixing to do the very same thing as I type; we sorely need the rain. Fortunately we are getting much quicker on our take-down at the market arriving home easily to beat the rain. Only two sales yesterday, one of which was my largest piece ever; all in all, not a bad day. I did plenty of chatting with whomever came by. This one lady says to me--"So, you take pictures of things, and then sell them?" "Yes ma'am, I do." One thing I noticed yesterday--one of the women from every lesbian couple I chatted with had a hickie. I really thought that was a teenage thing--shows you what I know.

My sweet flickr friend Paige was kind enough to e-mail me with interview advice. She works for Health Canada; interviewing is part of her job. I will try to follow her instructions--I imagine it will be hard for me to not talk too much, but I'm going to try.

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