Monday, July 23, 2007

Let's Catch Up, Shall We?

This is the first photograph I've taken with the self-timer. It's incredibly hard for me to get a good night time shot because of motion. As you can see, Orlando is a city of cranes. These are only two of about twenty to dot the downtown landscape. The largest building to the far left is where Bruce is coveting a place. The ground floor will house a Publix which is the fantastic grocery store based in Lakeland. When Matt moved to Chicago he was miserable shopping at Jewel. Publix had infiltrated Atlanta, his place of residence before Chicago, it was his store of choice. Their motto is--Where shopping is a pleasure. Now I don't exactly find pleasure in grocery shopping these days, but I can appreciate a clean, well-stocked store nonetheless. I think all those years of shopping for six did me in.

Saturday I went to a Radiology conference. I intend to keep my license current even though I'm not taking x-rays at the moment. Saw old co-workers and caught up on a bit of the gossip. Who is pregnant, sick, happy, or sad. Turns out a wonderful girl who has two teenagers is due in November--surprise!

Yesterday was a skunking for me at the market--not even one sale. I could feel down about it, but I'm choosing not to. Happily Bruce took the prints over to the bistro after our set-up. He and the owner hung them along with the little statement from Matt. He took some pictures; when I figure out how to move it to the blog I will. I slept very poorly on Saturday night because I was having bad dreams about the prints. I dreamed that Bruce got there and the owner said, I don't like those at all. In the interest of time we used black matting as the framer had a lot of it. I used a new framer and I was very pleased with their work. As it was, the owner was quite pleased telling Bruce that when he doubles his space I am welcome to hang more!

An unusually rainy day here in Orlando. We are accustomed to late afternoon storms, however, it has been raining pretty steadily since about 11. Nothing of course like what England is going through. Apparently it made Matt's return from Wales more of an adventure than he originally bargained for. A big weather event is so humbling....we realize how little control we have over our lives. Around here they preach about hurricane preparedness like it's Armageddon or something. Let me tell you...there is very little that we can do about a hurricane. The aftermath maybe...the storm is all God's gig.

Yesterday one of the young woman who stopped asked me if I had any fashion related pictures. She had seen one I show from the Chanel store. I went through my stuff and decided that today while returning something to Crate & Barrel that I might try a few more. Hmmm...they stopped me in my tracks at Bloomingdales. Ma'am, there is no photography allowed in the store. Next time, stealth will be my MO.

1 comment:

Amaya said...

What? They can prevent you from taking pictures?
Were you taking back the bedspread at C&B? Didn't work like you'd hoped?

Kernel Panic Loop