Monday, July 30, 2007

A Peek Inside

Bruce and I are heading out for some adventure later today. We've been puzzling about where to go to spend a few days. Naturally I have more ideas than we have time, but hey, a girl can dream can't she? He asked me which way we were headed, north, or south? My response at 1 o'clock was--I'm not sure. I was thinking of the Fort Myers area as I've wanted to see Thomas Edison's house for ages. When I was a girl I was enamored of inventors--maybe that's why I married one. Did you know that about Bruce? He can not only fix anything, but he can invent stuff as well. Re: my booth display as the latest example. People are usually very impressed with the booth if nothing else!

Another idea was Charleston, South Carolina. I've never been there, and the idea of actually leaving the state is appealing. My friends from the northeast can hop from state to state like nobodies business, but here in Florida, it is a commitment. I believe I have mentioned in the past that if you drove from Key West to the Panhandle it would be something like 1,000 miles. At least lots of it is pretty. When we were just babies, (24), we moved to California. I thought we would never get out of Texas alive as it is 880 miles across nothing but scrub--or so it seemed at the time. As well, it was late August with no AC in the car. My goodness, it was quite the trip. Traveling through Palm Springs, CA, I thought we would surely melt. It was about 130 degrees. We wet towels and put them over the open windows for what seemed like a bit of coolish air. How people lived out there before air-conditioning is beyond me.

Jonathan and Alissa are on the road to their new life as I type. Last we heard they were in Alabama, the car packed, and the cat on Alissa's lap.

So, there you go--when I return, you'll find out where we went.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have a great time, Gail and Bruce -- and bring back lots `o pictures!

Kernel Panic Loop