Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Proving Once Again...

It's not what you know, but who you know. Here are the new shoes with accompanying black skirt. Notice--no hose; it's Florida for goodness sake. I had a small crisis while getting dressed. I put on this lovely white blouse with lace on front and around the cuff line. I had forgotten that whilst ironing it the iron seared the lace a tad making a small hole. Off with that blouse. Next up--lovely ivory silk blouse--my goodness, is that a spot? No spot--only a hole left by a pin (you know, the jewelry kind). Next up--a lovely light grey silk blouse that Matt gave me for Christmas many years ago--perfect, but kinda low. Now what? Small strand of pearls to the rescue. Furthermore, once on the road I was stopped by a pesky railroad crossing that seems to get stuck on occasion. I knew I left in plenty of time....indeed, I did. I arrived early just as I'd planned with time off for good behavior. Really--I did have some time to do a small bit of photography!! Yeah!

Two women were walking toward me and I mentioned that I was looking for Karen. "Oh, I'm Karen, come on up." They were wearing very casual clothes to say the least! She said--"So, when can you start?" End of interview. Actually, she spent time telling me what she had in mind for an intern to assist with and it all sounded right up my alley. They are planning sixteen separate installations (that seems very ambitious to me) for the season; help is needed in a variety of ways. I really can't get credit until the fall, but I told them I would come on Thursday to help de-install an Asian art exhibit. Thank God for Professor McNair. Apparently, they had become so fed up with various interns not showing up etc. that they were completely turned off at the prospect of another one, no matter how much they need help. Keep your fingers crossed that I can stay perky and not let them down. Now I can plan my final classes at community college; at the end of December I will have my AA.

So--the new shoes were not needed. I'm not sure I could have worn a flip-flops, but, shoes in my closet would have worked just dandy.

I never know why pictures upload sideways and I never know how to change them--please forgive me.


Jozee said...

Hi there. You need to set whichever program you're uploading with from your camera to auto rotate your pics. ;-)

Jozee said...

Congrats on the internship too!

Amaya said...

Congratulations on getting the internship! I hope you enjoy yourself. Remember, you're at a point in your life where you don't need to worry about your place of work being happy - it's finally about you being happy with your work.

Kernel Panic Loop