Sunday, July 29, 2007


I don't exactly know what I'm doing wrong with this blog, but I've now posted two photos without text. When I start typing it comes up bold, and underlined; even when I click that off , it comes back. At any rate, here we are on Sunday night. These little fellows were at the market today--I'm not entirely sure what a person does with them, but they are kinda cute nonetheless.

I'm doing my best not to be discouraged as I'm told when the weather cools the market will become livelier--that is, with paying customers. I was almost skunked again today until after lunch. To make a long story short, some folks came to get one of my downtown bar sign pictures because apparently their daughter/granddaughter saw it a week or so ago and wanted it mightily. Her grandparents bought it for her for a graduation present, unbeknownst to her. She brought her family to the booth about 30 minutes later looking for the picture to show them. If you can imagine, she was crestfallen when it was not there. She will have a happy surprise come Saturday. That sort of thing makes the market worth it. As well it encourages me that even if they don't buy something today--they may just be waiting until the time is right.

Tomorrow is the big day--Jonathan, and Alissa, start their drive to Chicago. Wow--I can hardly believe the date has arrived as I'm sure they can't either. They are super excited; the mother in me is trying desperately not to be too worried. Allissa's phone interview went well and she is scheduled for a face to face interview on Thursday. That is happy news.

The iMac and I are getting along pretty well for just getting acquainted. Thank God for Matt--without him getting me to a starting point I would still be in trouble. Bruce was a dollas always, taking down my old computer and getting the new one on my desk, complete with speakers, and a sub-woofer (it's a guy thing). I spent a bunch more time yesterday sorting pictures--I am struggling with a way to organize them, but give me a bit, and I may just figure it out.

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