Saturday, July 7, 2007

What's My Number?

Good morning all!

Hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday morning. I had forgotten that there was a flickr group entitled 7/07/07. The idea is to post seven pictures taken on the seventh. You figured that out I'm sure--forgive me.

At any rate, I realized it this morning when I was checking my contacts photos that are in different time zones. Aha! I decided to focus on seven things. Well, not entirely, but that's what I've started anyway. While in a craft store looking for frames I purchased a bag of colorful buttons which I artistically (haha, I'm no artist), arranged into the numerals 7/7/7. As well, I have these color packed small bowls -- I once again arranged them in a group of seven. I was kinda looking for stuff that not everyone else will do.

I've been thinking about this for a while so I got out the boy's old California Raisins and worked with them. They are such funny little figures. I put them along the pool, then in the poo--you get the idea. I remember when they were collecting them from Hardees. We would go after church on Sundays to try and get the latest one. I believe I told you that I had asked them to clear out their stuff, however, it still remains intact in their old closets. Frankly, I need the space!

Jonathan has some names of folks that he can contact in Chicago now about employment. He is apparently in the surety business. I only knew that he currently works for an attorney and they do all kinds of bonds--probate; well, I forget the rest. This news makes me very happy. As well, Matt is trying to find someone who can put him up during his trip to Chicago--apparently there is the Pitchfork weekend going on which is causing the lodging options to be limited.

Speaking of Matt, he's off to Wales for the weekend. I told you he was a gad-about. He celebrated his birthday with a friend who's also a 07/05 baby!

Bruce and I went on our Friday date to a new (to us) place called the Beacon. Wow--talk about stylish--loved it. I'll share a picture of the inside this week.

It's been a rainy week here in Orlando, let's hope the sky stays blue until the market ends tomorrow--wish me luck!

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