The poster arrived in the post yesterday and I was having a real challenge getting it together in the frame and mat that I had purchased. Bruce to the rescue! I was invited in during delivery and I can just say that I am just a tad proud. The room that he is going to hang it in is absolutely perfect for the photo. I can't recall if I posted the picture to this space, so forgive me if I repeat myself. It is of a riverside bar in the early morning. All of the colorful umbrellas are closed; it is definitely a photo that makes you want to be there. He was very pleased with it and would like to see more so my little portfolio is going to come in handy. I think I should probably put together different ones for different type clients. I told you this stuff is keeping me way busy!
The good news is that Jonathan has secured an apartment in Chicago--next step--employment!
Apparently you have to put down the first months rent with an application and if you are approved you have to either take the place or lose your deposit. If you know Jonathan you know that he canceled his next day's appointments and he's in like Flynn. In fact, it left him with a little free time which he used to buy a scalped Chicago Cubs ticket and saw a game. I am jealous. Wrigley Stadium has always looked so appealing on television--I'd love to be there in person. When we visited Matt in Chicago we went to a White Sox game which was super fun.
Bruce is working but when he returns we are going to go buy a computer for his mother. She always cries when she talks to Bruce and this time it was about her ailing computer. We found a package deal at Circuit City and with help from his brother and sister we will make at least that problem go away for her. We're going to have them go to the house and set the whole thing up to ensure it all goes smoothly. If either my youngest, or oldest son were here they could do the job. Happily, they have exciting lives to live elsewhere.
Hard to believe that Sunday is here again-- another test at the market. I'll say this much--it's very interesting to put yourself out there for people to either ignore, or like. Fortunately, I don't take it too personally if they pay me no mind. I'm doing something brand new at age 53, and that is a pretty cool thing in my book.
Before the Murakami book, I read a book of short stories by Lee Smith. I read so few American authors these days but she is one of my favorites. Her stories are all set in the South--aside from North Florida, the rest is hardly considered Southern. At least not when you compare it to Georgia or South Carolina. At any rate the book is called News of the Spirit and it was excellent.
I love baseball. When I visit Chicago, I'll make a point to visit Wrigley Field. in LA it's been sunny for about 2 years. We had a few smatterings of rain, but really, it was just smatterings. And at this point, it won't rain again until probably January.
After a while we get like, what is that wet stuff coming down from the sky??
A new project at 53 is definitely commendable. I am so excited for the prospects you're encountering. And to have Bruce there supporting you along the way is an added bonus.
If you keep this up, you might not find any use for that English Degree.
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