Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Red Sky at Night

I guess this means there will be no rain to speak of tomorrow. After a nice little supper I took Baxter down to the lake to catch the sunset. There was a boat on the lake with a water skier just prior to my taking this picture. I was stunned at the beautiful red/pink reflection of the sky in the water.

Jonathan heads to Chicago at 6AM tomorrow. He's very excited and now that I know he has some wonderful friends of Matthew to put him up I'm feeling much more relaxed about the whole thing. He is super excited and optimistic and I intend to be also. Apparently he went to a midnight showing of Harry Potter last night and enjoyed it. I suppose when I was young I could stay up till all hours and go to work in the morning.

That reminds me that when I was an 18 year old x-ray student there was no coverage in x-ray overnight. If someone came into the emergency room with a complaint (invariably, they had the complaint for weeks but chose the middle of the night to come to the ER) we were called from our nice beds to drive to the hospital and take the x-ray. Sometimes you would just have arrived back home when the phone would ring again. What a nightmare! You'll get a laugh at this--one night I had to take the x-ray into the ER doc and he was lying down. I walked over to the cot, called his name, and stepped on his glasses which were placed on the floor by his bed. You guessed it--I broke them. He reached for them and started repeating--YOU BROKE MY GLASSES! Imagine how a young girl like myself felt right about then even if it was his fault for leaving them on the floor.

I met with another framer today about the pictures for the bistro. I'm mulling it over at the moment.

Bill tells me that he has applied to be on a reality show about guitar shredding. For the uninitiated that means someone who can play electric guitar extraordinarily fast with proficiency. No doubt about it--he can do it. It seems as if some ex-NFL player is working with Fox to get the show together. Hmmm...I'll keep you tuned.

I'm reading a great book by one of my favorite authors--After Dark by Haruki Murakami. He is a fantastic Japanese author. His work is a bit fanciful yet realistic at the same time. If you've never heard of him you might want to check him out.


Amaya said...

We had a red sky last night as well. No rain as of yet today, but we did get clouds for a few hours.

Mrs Uyopong said...

Hey Gail, please post this pic to Flickr...I'd like to fav it.

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