Thursday, July 19, 2007

One of Many

Yes, this is one of Tom Ritter's lovely orchids.

Random Thoughts and Updates:
  • Although I have thick hair with almost no gray (thank you Mom), Locks of Love does not want it. My excuse for not getting a haircut is no longer valid. Apparently hair can be colored, but not highlighted. For whatever reason, we used to call it frosted which sounds so dorky to me now. At any rate, a new haircut is in store for tomorrow.
  • Here are two of my most favorite foods: broccoli and potatoes. As far as broccoli is concerned I prefer it just cooked with butter and lemon juice, however for the vegans in our midst, red wine vinegar and olive oil is tasty as well. I love potatoes almost any way. Mashed is the best. I could eat both of them daily.
  • Am I the last person to still wear a slip under a dress or skirt?
  • Fall schedule is set; I'm taking the easy way out. Intro to Film, Speech, and Music Appreciation. Music is online with a starting date of mid-October. Speech and film only meet once a week. And of course there is the internship.
  • Speaking of which, I can see that there is a lot of grunt work associated with a museum. I'm currently volunteering a few days a week. My present job is data entry for a merchant's mailing list. Interesting, right?
  • We have the most stupendous thunder and lightening in the afternoons. The rain is our natural coolant.
  • Bruce's flight home from Virginia has been canceled. His last canceled flight was ten years ago! Boohoo!
  • I will be attending an imaging seminar on Saturday for four continuing education points. Not photography, the medical kind. As you know, I tell people I've always been a photographer, I just used bigger equipment.
  • Here's some lyrics from Snow Patrol that I think are great: Goodness knows I saw it coming, or at least I'll claim I did. Has that every applied to you?

1 comment:

Amaya said...

Yes, you're the last person to wear a slip under your skirt/dress. I can't believe you do that, in Florida none the less.
Good thing you have an iPod to keep you entertained.

Kernel Panic Loop